06 February 2013

From MTBear to Road Rabbit

Monday was an obligate rest day due to the transfer from Calpe to Benicasim and due to some technical issues: a twisted disc brake and air in the braking system made us visit the local Specialized Concept store. "You'll find the store at four kilometer from the hotel." the hotel manager guaranteed us. One hour and thirty kilometer later, we arrived at our destination. I'll spare you the details of our quest and give you the correct address of Tito's Cicle Store in case you find yourself in the same situation one day:

Specialized Concept store
Calle obispo de salinas, 50
12003 Castellò de la Plana

Remember every character of this address, you will be thankful for this complete information.

Tito seems to be a local MTB hero, he knows all the trails in the area and he proposed to take us out on a ride on Saturday, an offer that we couldn't refuse. Seeing me arrive with my titanium twenty-six hardtail, he insisted I'd try his wife's Specialized Epic twenty-niner full suspension. Again an offer not to refuse! Can 't wait ... ! 

As the material got fixed, the sun went down and so did menthusiasm: when we came back to the hotel we learned there would be no mountainbiking before Thursday. The guide didn't arrive yet. As an alternative I could join the road bikers and so the MTBear became a Road Rabbit for the past two days. On Tuesday I putted 140k on the counter, today I made it another 130. Not bad as an endurance training for the Absa Cape Epic, but enough asphalt for a biker. Tomorrow will be D-day, my expectations are high: 45k with 1350 height meters. 
Bring it on!!! 

A welcome obstacle

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