17 March 2013

Epic matters: The Prologue

A view from the top of the stairway to hell euhh heaven, our first climb of the day
Ok we did it, we rode the prologue and we ended up 5th. The gap with the leaders Esther Süss and Jane Nuessli is only 7,5 minutes. I am happy and Laura is too, she enjoyed it and didn't have to slow down to much. At least she is so kind to let me believe this. At the start we were much more excited about finding out how we would ride together then about the race itself. As a person it is sure there is a click but would there be a click as a rider? We discovered there is, so we are two happy people here. 

About the prologue's track
If I would try to put it in words it wouldn't even touch the heels of the poetic description the copywriters of the Cape Epic gave it. Therefore we invite you to read this. We can confirm they didn't exaggerate one millimeters. 
Description of today's track

About the race: last years winners Esther Süss and Sally Bigham are no longer a team this year. Sally rides with her Toppeak Ergon team partner Milena Landtwing and Esther had to look for another lady. Since Jane lives in Suisse, the choice was easy. 

The good thing about this mix up is that there will be a lot more competition going on and we are anxious to follow this ranking from close. 
Check the complete race results at : http://www.cape-epic.com/live/

Our competitors on the track

About our tactic: We will take it day by day, no plans just riding and having a good time. How does that sound?

Days are so relaxed and hectic at the Epic. From day one we are taken into a roller coaster, we don't sit still and we don 't do anything else than ride and think about riding. There is the bike to check, the food to take care of, the tent to install and so on... But we don 't complain, while we are doing all this we catch up with Fontana again ( on stage today in third position ) and we enjoy the sun, bless God there is sun here ... even to much, tomorrow they expect 28°C in the shade and .... THERE IS NO SHADE ON THE 96KM TRACK!

our recovery food, proteins & salty carbs

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