09 June 2014

Too many Poppies?

There are never too many poppies and there is never too many sand!
Only for this view I would travel around the world!
Sunday afternoon 2pm, three bikers gather together at the chiefz place in Londerzeel. 
Time to take off to Calais for checking the last part of the route of the Transcanal. ( A two days bike event organized by Transactief.)

We only leave at 2 in the afternoon because off the tide. At four the water is low and it allows us to use the hard part of the beach to ride on. At least that's what we hope for, reality tells our legs that the sand is always loose even when it's low tide.

We will ride for 15k over the beach to reach the port of Calais and come back by the inland.
My machine for the day is the Specialized Rumor
My legal weapon for a while
My fashionable outfit powered by Inverse ( jersey ) and Vaude ( baggy ). 
Flashy glasses called Stella by Endura.
Let's start the action
Sand on the beach, some more sand in the dunes, some bunkers, a pursuit of an angry land owner, six flat tires, a lot of fun and a lot of poppies later, we arrive back at the car and leave
with a great feeling of satisfaction. 

too much smiling!
Surrender on the beach
Almost there
Where are they going without us?
Victory on the bunker
Too much tools and no more tubes... 
On the way back we talk the time away through a lot of important and unimportant topics.
But our last words remain in our heads:  the famous words of our ex prime minister Yves Leterme:  "We hebben nood aan vijf minuten politieke moed."  ( We need five minutes of political courage. )
We will spent the next coming time on finding that "courage", isn't it Harre?!  

Bonus: Harre Hart sponsored by Adidas, just like trial legend Kenny Belay, thinks it only takes a pair of glasses to be a champ! I think he also needs the wings
Enjoy his effort! :-)

1 comment:

Tof dat je mij iets wil vertellen!